티스토리 뷰


에픽 게임즈

EGS Christmas Free Games Leak - 99,9% Correct



Game List:

17th dec. - Cities Skyline (done)~

18th dec. - Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty (done)~

19th dec. - The long Dark (done)~

20th dec. - Defence Grid*~

21st dec. - Alien Isolation*~

22nd dec. - Metro 2033 Redux~

23rd dec. - Tropico 5*~

24th dec. - Inside*~

25th dec. - Darkest Dungeon*~

26th dec. - Time in Portia~

27th dec. - Night in the Woods~

28th dec. - Stranded Deep~

29th dec. - Solitairica~

30th dec. - Torchlight 2~

31st dec. - Jurassic World Evolution*~


Games from Mydealz (100% correct) marked with *

Games from recently emerged list which seems true so far marked with ~



